lemon and cancer and skin

This so-called lemon with lemon Alzq is a small size compared with ordinary lemon and found only in Morocco, especially EFAs and benefit for the treatment of several diseases includingKidney stones and gall bladderAcneMixed with honey and deals before breakfast
The normal Leone several benefits he may also remind you the story of
Mohamed BouzekriBy the way tell you that I met in the summer of 2009 a man in the fifth place, I met him in the train from Tangier to Oujda. Chatted and exchanged on various subjects, and was apparently exhausted man as if he is suffering from a disease, but did not dare to talk to him on the subject of his health! She noted that carrying a bottle of water with a net not drink them from time to time, I asked him, he said that he always intentionally to mix mineral water with lemon juice _ _ and that the acid used to always drink water instead of natural and other drinks rather than the other. He shared in it without drinking and without to ask him to tell me about the reasons for his addiction on it! When the train arrived to the city of Fez, and let the man and wished us safe and comfortable journey they halted at the station, Fez and then go train to complete the flight to Jeddah. After two and exactly in the month of August of 2011 I met a man by accident in Tangier took the initiative for peace for him but he no longer remembered well, and I told him that we we rode together on the train two years ago, as reported with water and lemon and I and as a result have become my family and I are addicted to drink water mixed with lemon juice instead of other beverages other ! I told him as the most important note is that the man in front of me now that there seems to be in good health is not as it was when we met on the train, and that it seems as if he came back to the heyday Kholth! The man smiled and said to me when we met on the train you are sick with prostate cancer and I had had an operation to remove the tumor, and after the operation the surgeon advised me to keep on treating drinking water with lemon and eat garlic and refrain from eating meat, and sugars and Albrocadat mentalities! Worked his advice and now very healthy and there is no trace of the disease and thank God! He added: Although I am sure I am still healing regular in drinking water with lemon! Spread this story that you may be beneficiaries of some patients.

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