Cure Gallbladder without treatment process

Should learn that kind of food that erosion may have a positive impact or negative impact on the formation of kidney stones and gall bladder and Ante Tsttiei know what type of food that suits you the following:

-1 To avoid or reduce foods that contain calcium such as dairy products, salmon and mackerel, cabbage, sardines and dried figs, kale, okra, chickpeas, which increase the risk of gravel formation.
-2 To avoid foods that contain Aloczlat such as spinach, rhubarb, peanuts, chocolate, tea, and that are involved in the formation of kidney stones and gall bladder.
-3 Cut down on protein such as meat, where studies have shown that the total pebble be more of the people who use meat significantly.
Cut down on salt -4, where he participates in the formation of gravel must therefore eat foods low in salt.
5 - fluids, care should be taken:
Not all liquids and beverages have a positive effect on the treatment and the stones, where there are some types of liquids may affect the stones, especially if it contains these liquid compounds to Athognih (Lithohenic Agents) where the increase of the incidence and the stones kidney and comes on top of this liquid coffee, which contain compounds for the salts Athognih Aleciom as well as tea and alcohol contain a proportion of these compounds that are related to formation of gallstones.

Coca-Cola «Cola» and soft drinks:
As I mentioned earlier that not all drinks are advised to drink it to reduce the incidence of kidney stones kidney and reminded us that some of the drinks may increase these stones, particularly stones College of the type of oxalate, has been studying the impact of soft drinks that contain the amount of cola (Cola) and found in another study scientific and study a sample of individuals (men and women) made it clear that these drinks should include the existing drinks that must be avoided, to reduce the stones limestone, where it was observed that the consumption of soft drinks produced in an increase in Alxlat and a lack of Almguenzim, jackets, which have an impact on the stones College .
***Here now is a comprehensive treatment of the gallbladder naturally Use what suits you best
Yes, there are medicines of nature to bring out the kidney stones and gall bladder, namely:

Parsley Parsley
The leaf parsley plants generating that prevent the pebble college, has shown the German authorities that the work of tea of ​​parsley by a teaspoon of root dry leaf for a glass of water that has been boiled and drink twice to three times a day (two cups to 3 cups per day) had a good effect.

As well as seeds of parsley, they have influence to get the kidney stones are antirheumatic, but not used carefully, cause a bad influence as the seeds of high doses are toxic and should not be used by pregnant women or those who suffer from kidney disease.

- Red or white radish Municipal: Red and white nadish:
Today we talk about juice, red and white radish municipal treatment for gallstone pain gallbladder. And method of processing juice, radish red or white is clean radish completely dirt it with clean water and then taken leaves, roots, cut all into small pieces and placed then in a meat grinder and grated well and drink of this chopped to $ 400 to 500 grams per day with three meals, preferably prepared This chopped-you-go so there is no possibility of bacterial contamination.

And that patients with Europeans who suffer from gall bladder drinking juice fresh from the radish, which they see as an antibiotic naturally and can be drunk alone or with lemon juice, the user part of the radish is a root tuber, which contain Gelokoslanit which produces volatile oil and composite Rvannin and vitamin C is a composite Rvannin is which gives the opposite effect to the bacteria has been written Herodotus in the year (485 425) BC that the workers who built the pyramids in Egypt were paid radish, garlic and onions salary to them, and in the Roman era the old was using oil radish for the treatment of skin diseases, and in China Record radish in the book of materials medical and that in 659 after Christ's death as a Mhima and activated, and actually use the radish beginning of the seventh century for the treatment of dyspepsia. The radish induces appetite and digestion, and eaten radish red with power Kvath of appetite either radish juice black well placed Kmqo and laxative where he found that his influence on the intestines and thus extends its influence might become catalysts for the secretion of bile, there are some warnings on the radish, which is that some people can Atzaiqgua after eating radish and must non-use of radish by people who suffer from intestinal problems or peptic ulcers or duodenum or of the thyroid gland and should not be used continuously for a period not exceeding 3 to 4 weeks.

Other ways: taken from the heads of radish round or long without branches only knock heads and then squeezing its water and drink half a cup of it adults and children drink from a tablespoon three times per day for four days it is useful for that, God willing. Another way is placed in the mixer and drink on an empty stomach as much as possible down the pebble in the kidney and urinary tract. Another way is taken from the stems of green radish and without paper and beats and squeeze water from it branches out and drink a cup of coffee as much as three times per day for three days, it is useful for that, God willing.

Linseed: It is flax herbal user segment from the seed has been talked about for the treatment of cholesterol and a laxative, etc. It contains linseed on the oil of the type fixed and accounted for this oil in the seeds 30 to 40% and the largest proportion of compound in this oil is linolenic acid as a 36 to 50% , 23 to 34% acid Allenoltic and 36% gel and 25% protein and is used linseed or linseed oil to treat episodes of scissors gallstones by taking a spoon to eat from linseed and placed in a glass then fill with boiling water and leave for 15 minutes then strain and drink the rate of one cup after each meal, and oil can be used juice linseed and commonly known oil hot to take down gallstones, if small in size as it emerges through the intestinal tract is to emerge from the anus, unlike kidney stones, ureters and bladder that come out through the urine, and drink of linseed oil four spoons in the middle of meals and the last dose to be when you go to sleep any drink of oil one tablespoon with each meal and the fourth dose at bedtime, and is a hot oil on the seeds of flax of the best treatments to dissolve gallstones, but he needs a long period of up to three months to dissolve kidney stone and taking them out.

Dandelion: I have published a German research that the roots of a plant dandelion has an effect special to the liver, it stimulates the gallbladder to secrete bile and is one of the best herbs at all repellent to poison the liver and works mainly on the liver and gallbladder to help them out waste them: as it is based on cleaning the kidneys and remove toxins .. The dandelion roots and leaves of the best herbal medicines for the bitterness as it works to not be bitter pebble stones and possibly melt formed .. Can be used endive eaten food they are considered in addition to being a drug and pharmaceutical products which are sold in local markets. Soak about three tablespoons of roots or rhizomes dandelion after crushing with about a liter of water and leave for about 5 minutes and then boil for the next 15 minutes and drink it cup before each meal in order to treat liver and gallbladder which may prevent the stones in the gallbladder and fragmented, if any.

I heard the municipal or medical Ammi visnaga
I heard the medical term for herbal plant around me does not exceed a height of 50 cm to him the fruits of a vehicle, and his native North Africa and the countries of the Middle East and the countries of the Mediterranean and is cultivated in Australia and South America, contains plant Ammi Municipal Jelin by 1% and Vznagan and Khalol Gelokoside and volatile oil by 2, 0% and flavonoids and sterols, we have used the plant I heard from several centuries in order to reduce the pain of renal colic and to remove kidney stones through its effect on the expansion of the ureter, and this is the plant from plants constitutional in most of the constitutions of the global pharmaceutical and the most important effects that anti-shrink and anti-asthma and calming.
Mint peppemint
Mint is used popularly for the treatment of gallstones and in Britain is sold in pharmacies mint lotion and in some groceries for the treatment of gallstones and this is called the product "Rowachol"
Already talk in detail in an article published in "Al-Riyadh" at the beginning of this year. Turmeric is useful in the treatment of gallstones and no doubt this has worked on the study of composite Alkirkummen where he studied this compound in mice and proved its usefulness to dissolve gall bladder stones. The compound curcumin to increase the liquidity of the yellow, which would prevent the formation of gallstones.
Parsley Parsley
The leaf parsley plants generating that prevent the pebble college, has shown the German authorities that the work of tea of ​​parsley by a teaspoon of root dry leaf for a glass of water that has been boiled and drink twice to three times a day (two cups to 3 cups per day) had a good effect.
Nettle Stinging nettle
Herbal plant leaves around him pedunculated and not more than 50 cm height and cover papers whiskers irritate the skin in contact with him, tradition says that the soldiers of Julius Caesar the Roman nettle admitted to Britain because they believe they will need to hit themselves Balaqras to get warm. Until recently, Altgaris Balaqras or beating a popular treatment for arthritis model is still to this day Nettle is used in medicine, a tonic and cleanser suitable for spring.

Apple juice Apple juce
Adjust the acidity in the apple juice alkaline and acidity of the blood and thus reduce the possible formation of stones in the college.

Ammi means asking for the benefit of close friendship in the treatment of kidney and urinary tract, and whether it harms or side effects on other diseases such as diabetes, pressure, etc.? .. The fruits of Ammi medical based on expanding the ureter and out kidney stones on this path, but must not be understood that I heard a cure for kidney disease are only out the stones, and there is the trait collateral damage, but the patients who use anti-angina not use fittings either with respect to sugar and pressure, there is no conflict.

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